Thursday, December 11, 2008
the goo has been resolved
So, I have the best parents ever. I called their house and both of 'em showed up at my house after church last night WITH dinner. It's a good thing I didn't decide to practice denial too because take a look at what I found behind the fridge.

There was Popsicle goo and coupons everywhere. The coupons would have survived my denial. I don't know that the goo would have. So, it was good that I had help to pull out my refrigerator and clean it all up. Refrigerators aren't as hard to move as I had thought they would be. Still, I'm not sure I could have gotten it out of the way with out the love, support, and brute strength of my dad.
My precious Jessica Louise wanted to help as well. Here she is sticking her little nose between my closet and refrigerator trying to look behind and see what's going on.

She hadn't figured out that it was completely open on the other side yet. I had to put her in her room before that realization dawned on her. You know, you don't want to have your sweet little cat tracking Popsicle goo everywhere... no matter what her sweet little heart's desire was. To quote the late great Mark Heard, "It takes more than a good intention to make a thing go right." Wait! that's not exactly what he said. Dagnabit. It's not even close. Fraggle Rock! I really wanted to quote him and I really like his song "Winds of Time." How fantastic would it have been if I could have worked a Mark Heard song into a post about Popsicle goo and a cat? Too bad.
So tonight the whirl wind begins. I'm going to see Ten out of Tenn. I'm fired up about it. Then tomorrow, I'm ushering for the play "The Little Dog Laughed," Then Saturday is graduation (which I am required to attend) and my Sunday School Christmas Party, Sunday is church and I'm going to see Second City... This sort of stuff pretty much continues for a while. My next night off... is Dec 22. Woo! Can I do it? I don't know. I'm not as young as I once was. I am mostly looking forward to the Behold the Lamb concert this coming Monday. That concert always gets my mood right. It's sort of when the holidays move from being about gifts and spending money to Jesus! The reason for the season - you know. I hope not to break down in tears this time. But, it's not looking good. I've been listening to the album all day today in preparation... and as an act of prevention. Only time will tell if it works. I wish I could take you all with me to see it. Cause you know, I like everyone to like what I like. Hopefully, this year I won't get into a fight. That was so horrible last year.
There was Popsicle goo and coupons everywhere. The coupons would have survived my denial. I don't know that the goo would have. So, it was good that I had help to pull out my refrigerator and clean it all up. Refrigerators aren't as hard to move as I had thought they would be. Still, I'm not sure I could have gotten it out of the way with out the love, support, and brute strength of my dad.
My precious Jessica Louise wanted to help as well. Here she is sticking her little nose between my closet and refrigerator trying to look behind and see what's going on.
She hadn't figured out that it was completely open on the other side yet. I had to put her in her room before that realization dawned on her. You know, you don't want to have your sweet little cat tracking Popsicle goo everywhere... no matter what her sweet little heart's desire was. To quote the late great Mark Heard, "It takes more than a good intention to make a thing go right." Wait! that's not exactly what he said. Dagnabit. It's not even close. Fraggle Rock! I really wanted to quote him and I really like his song "Winds of Time." How fantastic would it have been if I could have worked a Mark Heard song into a post about Popsicle goo and a cat? Too bad.
So tonight the whirl wind begins. I'm going to see Ten out of Tenn. I'm fired up about it. Then tomorrow, I'm ushering for the play "The Little Dog Laughed," Then Saturday is graduation (which I am required to attend) and my Sunday School Christmas Party, Sunday is church and I'm going to see Second City... This sort of stuff pretty much continues for a while. My next night off... is Dec 22. Woo! Can I do it? I don't know. I'm not as young as I once was. I am mostly looking forward to the Behold the Lamb concert this coming Monday. That concert always gets my mood right. It's sort of when the holidays move from being about gifts and spending money to Jesus! The reason for the season - you know. I hope not to break down in tears this time. But, it's not looking good. I've been listening to the album all day today in preparation... and as an act of prevention. Only time will tell if it works. I wish I could take you all with me to see it. Cause you know, I like everyone to like what I like. Hopefully, this year I won't get into a fight. That was so horrible last year.
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I'll be back to read your most entertaining blog later, but just wanted to pop in and say "Hello". I also wanted to apprise you that the purple monkey is now loading the dishwasher. :grin::
This blog comment was brought to you courtesy of too many Christmas cookies and a bad case of the Sugar Boogies.
Hope all is well with you... I will catch up with you this week now that my chores are done (except for gift wrapping. Break out the Xanax).
Miss you, Toots! Maggie McGee sends her regards to Jessica Louise. >^..^<
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This blog comment was brought to you courtesy of too many Christmas cookies and a bad case of the Sugar Boogies.
Hope all is well with you... I will catch up with you this week now that my chores are done (except for gift wrapping. Break out the Xanax).
Miss you, Toots! Maggie McGee sends her regards to Jessica Louise. >^..^<
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