Wednesday, July 22, 2009


2009 = 400 years of Baptists

Did you know that 2009 is the 400th anniversary of the Baptists? It’s true, it is. I thought you’d want to know if you didn’t already.

Back in Amsterdam in 1609, this man named John Smyth decided to be baptized because no one among his group of fellow Christians had been baptized as a believer… I guess there is more to it than that… but that is basically the nutshell of our Baptist beginnings.

I bring this up now because half the year is gone and I thought you might want to celebrate. Clearly, these are cake eating times (if you are some sort of Baptist). 400 slices seem in order. Get busy I guess if you aren't Baptist, you can still celebrate if you want... might be wierd though.

If you want to know more about Baptist History and Heritage you can check out the Baptist History and Heritage website.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


How to deal with controversy

A couple of weeks ago I got a collection in on Southern Baptist controversies covering the 70s, 80s, and 90s. At first, I thought no problem. I'll knock that collection out in an afternoon. Yeah, no way. Because once I started going though it... I kept getting more and more angry. I simply can't handle all the politics and back-biting that goes on. Most of the controversy was over my head. But, the back-biting wasn't. It's not healthy for me to get angry over religion. So, I came up with a plan to pass the collection on to someone else... cause I totally have that sort of power... every now and then.

So yesterday a bright-eyed, happy, innocent student started working for me. He needed something to do and so I handed the controversy collection right on over to him. And, he got it done pronto. I think putting stuff in order might be his gift. Oddly enough, that is a rare gift.

Today, I was going back over his work and trying to pull out important names to index. I found myself getting a little upset again. But, finally I found an article from the Wittenburg Door on Inerrancy. It was basically on a man named Harold Lindsell and Adrien Rogers. Again... it was basically over my head but The Door makes me laugh. And so I read the article. And as expected I took a side. I am on the side of Adrien Rogers. I don't know exactly what side he is on but he made me laugh the most and so I will side with him. Plus, he seemed sane.

Let me quote from something Lindsell said "The Bible claims the doctrine of the Trinity. The word Trinity does not appear in Scripture. But the Trinity, Trinitarianism, is a basic concept of systematic theology. The word inerrancy doesn't appear in Scripture but the Bible definitely claims inerrancy." That's from the Feb/March 1980 issue. I've no clue what that means but didn't you sort of enjoy it.

Anyway, thank goodness for student workers... never would have made it through this collection without my bright-eyed innocent one that just started yesterday. Best way to deal with controversy is to hand it off to someone else.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The Realm of Calendar Boys

Okay, a couple of weeks ago I learned Jude Law was going to be on Broadway this fall doing Hamlet. WELL, who doesn't want to see Jude Law in Hamlet. Plus, that would make him totally accessible as my 2009 Calender Boy.... that is, if I can get up to NYC this fall. That trip isn't looking likely at this point... but Jude Law is still in the realm of possibility. I might be more giggly over Jude Law than I was over Rufus Sewell. As you know, Rufus first gained my attention by simply being named Rufus... He was still worthy of my attention though... quite the looker... and he was nice enough. But, Jude Law can make my knees weak with just an onscreen smile. Wheh! So I wouldn't mind seeing Mr. Law on Broadway.

However, being my Calendar Boy is not something that goes to the most accessible gorgeous fella. I must also think someone is cool or he is not worthy. That being said. I think I have found someone else that I'd like to be my calendar boy. This fella is quite the looker himself but outside of that... he is cool. His name is Scott Harrison. Do you know who that is? What about Charity: Water? If you don't know about Charity: Water yet, I think it's only a matter of time before you start seeing it mentioned everywhere. I didn't know what it was until one of its staff requested to follow me on Twitter. And even after, I started to follow him... I didn't investigate... but slowly I got pulled in by his tweets... So, now I think they rock! Anyway, I wonder if Scott Harrison would be willing to be my Calendar Boy? I wonder how far I could get with begging if I were to stop by their offices in NYC? hmmm.... I'm pretty sure my asking a complete stranger, "Will you be my Calendar Boy," would not be appealing to most people. I wonder if my begging would be even less appealing. Probably. Anyway, I'll start talking to God and the Universe and not worry about it until I find that bridge to cross.

If you do check out Scott, be sure to watch the video at the bottom of the page. Also you can read about him in last Sunday's NY Times " Clean, Sexy, Water"

Monday, July 13, 2009


I Love a Good Fight

I haven’t blogged in a long time… I think it’s partly because I’ve started Twittering. AND I’m addicted to twitter… more so than I think anything else ever in my life. The whole blogging thing was sort of a vein self-medicating thing for me. It was good for me. But then Twitter happened. Still recently, I have had a few people ask me about my blog and I started thinking maybe it would be good for me to get back to it. It’s good for me to have a place to rant, rave and be a little nutty. Twitter doesn’t really fit that need totally.

So now, I will tell you, I have lots of things on my mind. I’m not sure where to start. Perhaps, I will start by telling you that currently God and I are fighting. I’m not in the depths of despair or anything… but I’ve been throwing some serious punches God’s way. It’s good that He loves me because only a loving father would put up with what I’ve been tossing His way. Saturday I was on the beach with my Sunday School class and at one point I had to get up and go for a walk by myself because I needed some time with God to yell. And I did yell. I sort of think that should make me a bad person… you know, yelling at the God of the Universe and all, but I don’t because God knows me and loves me and I don’t get anywhere by not being real with Him. In fact, I like getting in fights with God… so much so that sometimes I try to start one even when I don’t have anything to fight about. Those never really work out. But, this fight is real. I’m excited though because I know God is there listening. In this situation, He is not silent. It’s a fight. And I’m excited because I know that God is going to eventually set me straight and however the fight ends, it will be good because He is only good and that makes me excited. Now, I won’t lie, the fighting bit is rough. It hurts. But, I know the end will be good. I’m ready for the end. I wish the end would come now but I don’t know when it’ll come. This whole fight has been building for a long time… years even. So, it could go on for a while. But, I’m pretty certain at some point in the future God is going to say enough and settle it. I think there’s a lot for me to learn in this fight. I see glimpses of lessons everywhere but I haven’t quite grasped them yet… it’s sort of like a prize dangling out in front of me for when the gloves come off but I can’t just take them off…. Or can I? Is that one of the lessons I need to learn? Perhaps, but if so, I haven’t learned it yet. And of course the desire of my heart is to get my way when the fight ends. I sincerely want and hope for that but my head knows that what I want is not always good but what God wants … IS! So when the fight ends, I will have gotten my way OR God will have taught me a lesson… either way, I win. Lessons are hard though… that freaks me out a bit. I don’t want to learn a hard lesson. But, I do want the fight to end even if I do love a good fight.

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